Computer Crime Research Center


Cybercrime will organise in 2007

Date: December 18, 2006

Websense has predicted that in the year 2007, organized criminals will join forces with hackers to form a more organized cybercrime economy.

According to Websense, cyber-criminals will buy, sell, and trade hot commodities such as ready-made cyber-attack toolkits and exploits to carry out zero-day vulnerabilities.

While in 2006, cybercrime and the evolution of new cyber-criminals increased; in 2007, Websense expects underground cybercrime to become better organized. As part of that growing cybercrime economy, the market for zero-day attack code will become more competitive. This will result in an increase in the number of zero-day attacks, and more forceful attacks on both the client and server-side.

In a statement, Dan Hubbard, Vice President of Security Research, Websense, explained that organised criminals are realising that the Internet has been a largely untapped resource in terms of generating real profit, until now. With financial gain on the table, attack methods are improving, and the number of people involved is escalating.
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