Computer Crime Research Center


Click fraud forensics

Date: December 18, 2007

Click Forensics rolled out a filter for publishers to help stomp out click fraud today. The product, Click Forensics for Publishers, launched with a couple key customers, including an unnamed "top 10 search engine" and adMarketplace, the company that runs ad campaigns for eBay merchants. The exact cost of the service was not disclosed, but publishers pay for the service based on the volume of incoming traffic analyzed on a monthly basis.

Just a few years ago, click fraud looked like a looming time bomb that could bring down the world's largest internet company. (Google's former CFO George Reyes warned investors in 2004 that it was a threat to the company's business model.)

Now there's an entire cottage industry built around it, with countless click fraud detection services available from badly named companies such as Eztrackz and (Shouldn't that be, by the way?)
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