Computer Crime Research Center


Spy agencies will have more powers to intercept email

Date: February 19, 2004
Source: The Age

In order to decrease computer crimes and internet fraud the federal government of Australia moved to give greater powers to spy agencies to intercept people's emails.

The Telecommunications (Interception) Amendment Bill 2004 also allows warrants to be sought in connection with the investigation of a wider range of serious offences, including terrorism.

The bill, if passed by parliament, will allow recording of calls to ASIO public lines.

It will also amend the definition of interception to ensure that the protections conferred by the Interception Act keep up with technological developments.

Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said as a result of recent advances in technology many communications passing over the telecommunications system now take the form of written words or images, not covered by current legislation.

"The bill will allow the definition of interception to include reading and viewing, as well as listening to and recording, a communication in its passage over the telecommunications system," he told parliament.

"The amendment will ensure that the protections afforded by the Act extend to all forms of communication passing over the Australian telecommunications system."

Other amendments allow for agencies to obtain warrants to assist in investigating terrorism offences involving firearms and state and territory cybercrime.
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