Computer Crime Research Center


Computer crime in Belarus is declared out of law

Date: February 19, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Dmitri Kramarenko

President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko confirmed National Fighting Crimes Intensification Program for 2004-2005 years. The program is developed on the analysis of criminal situation in Belarus, results of scientific researches, experience of fighting crimes and taking preventive measures, provided by similar program for 2001-2003 years.

New Byelorussian program presupposes continuation of country cooperation with EC on joining EU and entering main international treaties in legal criminal sphere. Governmental authorities also are commissioned to conclude bilateral agreements with several countries on development of cooperation in fighting organized crime field.

According to the new national program, operational measures and actions on preventing and preclusion of acts of terrorism and extremism, illegal drugs turnover, computer crimes, activity of organized criminal groups in sphere of illegal immigration, cases of cultural values smuggling will be taken. Ministry Council of Belarus should annually report to Alexander Lukashenko about process of the program realization.
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