Cybercrime is an organized and sophisticated business
Date: February 20, 2006Source:
In a town hall meeting last week by the Business Software Alliance (BSA), top law enforcement officials from the United States and Europe said that combating cybercrime requires industry coordination with law enforcement officials on both sides of the Atlantic. In addition, a new survey released by BSA showed the positive impact of industry-led initiatives in fighting organized cybercrime.
The town hall meeting, held at the 2006 RSA Security Conference, featured keynote remarks from FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III and a panel discussion of top officials from the FBI, U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission.
“Cybercrime has become an organized and sophisticated business that demands an aggressive and coordinated response,” said Robert Holleyman, BSA President and CEO, who moderated the discussion. “To enhance our information security, we must be vigilant in utilizing all the tools and resources available to us through innovative new and existing public-private partnerships.”
“In today’s world of globalization and sophisticated technology, we continue to build on a central theme: partnerships,” said FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III. “Through public and private alliances, we are vastly improving our ability to confront terrorist and criminal threats to our national infrastructure.”
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