Cyberterrorism: fear factor
Date: July 20, 2004Source: The Age
For two months during 2000 he pumped hundreds of thousands of litres of raw sewage into public waterways north of Maroochydore. Engineer Vitek Boden, who had quit his job at Hunter Watertech - the supplier of Maroochy Shire's remote control and telemetry - was using his expertise to try to get a consulting job with the shire council to clean up the pollution he was causing.
His scam wasn't discovered until April 2000. Using a stolen computer and radio transmitter, Boden had set his car up as a remote command centre for sewage treatment along the Sunshine Coast.
Maroochydore District Court found Boden guilty of 30 charges of computer hacking causing serious environmental harm.
Though Boden may have had an individual agenda, his activities - theoretically - could just as easily have been carried out by operatives backed by a terrorist organisation.
As the rate of cyber attacks continues to rise, the once fanciful notion of cyber terrorism is looming larger than ever.
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2005-09-02 01:47:55 - Good blog Misho |
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