Computer Crime Research Center

News 2004-05

May 31, 2004 Police closing in on net phishers

Police believe they may be on to the gang responsible for online banking scams which ripped off New Zealand banks to the tune of $100,000 earlier this year...

May 31, 2004 Cyber blackmail or a terrorist act

In order to get one million of UAH persons unknown placed an explosive device on board of a plane bound for Vienna and also they blew up a bomb in the building opposite to airport building to confirm the severity of their intentions...

May 31, 2004 The FBI is increasing its effort to investigate spammers

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is increasing its effort to investigate spammers, largely in response to the new law...

May 31, 2004 Cyber-terrorism: North Koreans breaking into South's networks

South Korea's top military intelligence official claims that North Korea is operating an elite military unit specialising in breaking into South Korean computer networks...

May 30, 2004 Cyber Crime Conference Summary

May 26-28, an International Scientific Practical Conference "Problems of Counteracting to Computer Crime" took place in a conference hall of Zaporozhye State University. The conference organized by the Computer Crime Research Center, World Anticriminal and Antiterrorist Committee (WAAF), Zaporozhye State University, with support of TraCCC (Washington D.C., USA).

May 29, 2004 Spam is up two-thirds of all emails

Spam continues to flood the Internet with the increase in junk mail. Last month, spam was more than two-thirds of the 840 emails scanned by filtering firm MessageLabs (, according to UK site The Register.

May 28, 2004 Insane hacker blackmailed Yandex

Regional court of Volgodonsk, Russia considers a hacker case -- an employee of Volgodonsk nuclear power plant blackmailed Yandex, the biggest Internet portal of Russia, and two volleyball players. Law enforcement focused on the intruder when he delivered an ultimatum to Yandex management: "Give me money or I will tell everyone how to hack your e-mail accounts".

May 28, 2004 Terror Alert: Officials defend choice to announce threat

The FBI and Justice Department insist that warning the public about a possibly devastating terror attack in this country was justified by intelligence and may avert a repeat of the Sept. 11 attacks...

May 27, 2004 FBI Releases Photos, Seeks Public Tips

FBI Director Robert Mueller suggested those accomplices might be planning further terrorist attacks in the United States...

May 27, 2004 Computer Crime Investigation Howto

Last years, law enforcement agencies are more and more widely involved in joint work to fight international criminality. Therefore we may classify information also into national and international.

May 26, 2004 Viruses nip Russia after the Cold War

For all its disadvantages, the former Soviet Union had one hugely overlooked advantage: it kept hackers, crackers and virus writers confined inside the country by restricting their access to the Internet...

May 26, 2004 Phishing - phish for some fish

"Phishing" was derived from an English word "fishing", a relatively new kind of scam, swindling out...

May 25, 2004 US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Hacked

The US Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID) and the Computer Crime Investigation Unit (CCIU) sent two army and navy investigators to Korea...

May 25, 2004 Computer Crime Costs

The survey was conducted by CSO [Chief Security Officer] magazine jointly with the U.S. Secret Service and the CERT cybersecurity center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

May 25, 2004 Computers with state secret information won't be on the Web

"The present decree is mainly devoted to maintain sound protection of Russian segment of the Web and, above all, state network resources from unauthorized impact.

May 24, 2004 Russia: credit card frauds

Computer crimes are very latent owing to mechanism and ways of committing. According to the FBI 85-97% of all computer violations are not even opened.

May 22, 2004 Russian Internet will be protected from computer crimes

May 20, 2004, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, signed a decree "On measures to assure information security of the Russian Federation in the sphere of international informational exchange".

May 21, 2004 What the United States Should Do in Ukraine

No political event in Europe this year is more important than Ukraine’s presidential elections next October...

May 21, 2004 A man who sold chid porn nabbed

A 20-year-old admitted down-loading a stash of child pornography on to his computer before peddling it to other internet users. Nathan Weedall, of Hungerford Terrace, Crewe, kept 176 indecent images and 10 indecent video films of children to be shared online.

May 20, 2004 The USA at risk of cyberterrorism

Cyberterrorism expert Andy Cutts of Dartmouth's Institute for Security Technology Studies addressed the Dickey Center's War and Peace discussion panel Friday, briefing the group on Operation Livewire, a recent nationwide cyberterror simulation that tested America's preparedness in the event of a major cyber attack.

May 20, 2004 The Fourth Annual Conference "Information Technologies and Security"

June 22-26, 2004 the Fourth International Conference "Information Technologies and Security" will take place in Partenit (Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine)...

May 20, 2004 Russia: Citybank clients scammed

Yesterday CityBank announced about its non-participation in mass distribution of e-mails requesting to specify data on plastic cards.

May 19, 2004 Ukraine declares a war on piracy

As the new Criminal Code of Ukraine became valid in 2001, law enforcement actively joined the fight against computer piracy.

May 18, 2004 Online job fraud

May 18, 2004 Computer crimes to block business activity

How do these offences influence on a functioning of a company? A National High Tech Crime Unit conducted a survey among 105 companies in September-November 2003.

May 17, 2004 Ukraine fighting "pirates"

The US continue to demand from Ukraine to strengthen fight against production of pirated compact discs. Though intellectual property rights are still being violated in Ukraine.

May 15, 2004 Ukrainian Hacker Story

Mr. Kovalchuk was nabbed in Thailand, extradited to the U.S. and now awaits trial in U.S. District Court in San Jose...

May 15, 2004 We train students and experts...

Founded in 2001, the Computer Crime Research Center (CCRC) is an independent institute to research cyber crime, cyber terrorism and other issues of ...

May 14, 2004 Online Co. Shuts Down Site With Beheading

The al-Qaida-linked Web site that first posted a video of American civilian Nicholas Berg's beheading was shut down Thursday by the Malaysian company that hosted it - because it was drawing too much traffic...

May 14, 2004 Russian hackers nabbed in Spain

May 13, Spanish police arrested three Russians in Madrid on suspicion of creating international criminal group.

May 14, 2004 Resist Using Nick Berg as a Prop

May 14, 2004 7 years for doubtful photo business on the Net

E-library of 100 000 child porn photos was seized from a 55-year-old man, including images where he had sex with sleeping 10-year-old daughter.

May 13, 2004 Al-Qaida terror chief beheads American civilian on videotape

As informs, a group of men stand over a bound man, who identified himself as Nick Berg, a U. S contrsctor whose body was found in Baghdad on Saturday, in an image taken from a vide posted Tuesday on an lslamic militant Web site affillated with al-Qaida...

May 13, 2004 Ukraine: new bill to regulate unauthorized access to information

ZAPORIZHZHYA (CCRC) - Ukrainian Parliament accepted a law on fines for unauthorized access to computer information related to restricted or being owned by the state. 235 people's deputies voted for this amendment in national legislation.

May 12, 2004 Convention on Cybercrime wins support in Ukraine

Science and Education Committee of Ukraine considered a people's deputies' legislative initiative on an amendment to the Criminal and the Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine on responsibility for crimes in the sphere of computer information.

May 11, 2004 E-Legal: Fighting Internet Crime

Crimes related to the computer network are increasing at the same speed and breadth as the expansion of computer networks...

May 10, 2004 Who hacks? Who cracks?

All computer criminals can be divided into the following separate groups by purposes and spheres of their activities...

May 08, 2004 Russia: Computer crimes statistics

Increase in crimes in the sphere of computer information is a more quick process than computerization in Russia...

May 07, 2004 Experts divided on Sasser future

May 07, 2004 Who are these cyber criminals?

Studies conducted, in particular, in Australia, Canada, the US, Germany helped to divide computer criminals into three main categories by age...

May 06, 2004 Sasser Computer Worm on the Loose

The Sasser worm slipped into tens of thousands of computers around the world over the holiday weekend, slowing down Internet connections and creating a new headache for companies and households...

May 06, 2004 How to avoid Internet fraud

Now Internet fraud amounts hundreds of intricate and dangerous cases, new appropriate laws, methods and techniques are actively developed...

May 05, 2004 What is hacking?

Hacking is unauthorized use of computer and network resources. (The term "hacker" originally meant a very gifted programmer...

May 04, 2004 Fighting Child Pornography

Current statistics shows a popularity of such crimes. According to different sources child pornography can reach 6 billion dollar a year industry.

May 04, 2004 Computer Crime Classification

According to Economic Crime Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine official statistics for 4 months of 2001 year, 7 crimes, in 2002 – 25, for 6 months of 2003 - 51 crimes have been revealed...

May 03, 2004 FraudWatch warns of the escalation of Internet fraud

As PR Web informs, FraudWatch International warns Internet consumers of the escalation of Lottery scams circulating via email...

May 03, 2004 The most secured way to fight cyber crime

April 22, a research held by GfK-USM company by request of Coalition for Intellectual Property Rights (world public authority devoted to strengthen copyrights) was published...

May 01, 2004 Do-it-yourself counterfeit production exposed

Young man rented a house and installed high-capacity computer facilities there. He used it to replicate large lots of counterfeit marks and holographic elements for CDs and used it to produce counterfeit products...

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