Computer Crime Research Center


International cyber crime experts meet

Date: January 21, 2008

Using computers to recognise faces in crowds is one of the new ways of fighting crime that will be discussed at an international conference in Adelaide today.

The forensics conference will bring together more than 60 cyber crime experts from around the world.

The conference's chairman, Matthew Sorrell, from Adelaide University says changes in technology means the range of techniques used to fight crime is expanding all the time.

Mr Sorrell says internet-based worlds such as 'Second Life' can be meeting grounds for criminals, or can become crime scenes themselves.

He says it is important to find ways to gather, preserve and present evidence from such worlds.

"We also have Dr Richard Leary from the United Kingdom talking about cutting-edge technology for tracking down data that will help a criminal investigation in the internet, so in particular tracking down information that doesn't last very long, it's not stored anywhere," he said.
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