Computer Crime Research Center


Child porn business in Ukraine

Date: October 22, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Timofey Saytarly

According to Ukraine Bureau of Interpol, more than 1 000 child porn films were shoot last years. At that, the main personages were from Slavonic states.

In this context Ukraine is often represented in reports of law enforcements over the world, but it is difficult to point the exact “hot” places. Experts say the most famous in child porn business became such Ukrainian cities as Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev, Sevastopol.

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Thus, law enforcements revealed video-studio in Odessa, where offenders made films involving poor minors from Moldavia and Pridnestrovye (girls from 7-14 years old). The organizers were 52 years old citizen of Switzerland and 50 years old German of Moldavia origin.
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