Computer Crime Research Center


FBI Warns of Scam FBI E-Mail with Virus

Date: February 24, 2005
Source: TechNewsWorld

The FBI yesterday warned the public about an on-going mass e-mail scheme involving unsolicited e-mails purportedly sent by the FBI.

The e-mails tell the recipients their Internet use has been monitored by the FBI's Internet Fraud Complaint Center and they have accessed illegal Web sites.

The e-mails then direct recipients to open an attachment and answer questions, the FBI said. The attachments contain a computer virus Latest News about computer virus.

"These e-mails did not come from the FBI," a bureau statement said. "Recipients of this or similar solicitations should know that the FBI does not engage in the practice of sending unsolicited e-mails to the public in this manner."

The bureau statement said opening e-mail attachments from an unidentified sender "is a risky and dangerous endeavor, as such attachments frequently contain viruses that can infect the recipient's computer. The FBI strongly encourages computer users not to open such attachments."

Users receiving such e-mails are encouraged to report them to the Internet Crime Complaint Center online at
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2006-07-31 02:02:29 - Please,immediately take measures on... Sergei
2006-07-31 02:00:41 - Please,immediately take measures on... Sergei
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