Computer Crime Research Center


Diane Lane's worries about the Internet and her children spur her to take role in 'Untraceable'

Date: January 25, 2008
By: Roger Moore

"The jury's still out with them and the Internet," she says of her daughter, Eleanor, 14, and husband Josh Brolin's two teenagers from a previous marriage. "I think it's their entitlement to privacy that is so irksome to me, as a parent. 'This is my universe. This is mine. If I haven't invited you in and given you my password, you're not entitled to see my Facebook, or whatever.' "

Jennifer Marsh, her character in Untraceable, tracks down Internet ID thieves, pornographers and sexual predators. She is on the trail of a serial killer whose modus operandi is to kidnap people and lure in a Web audience to see him torture those victims. Researching the part, for the movie (which opens today), she met real-life FBI agents on the cyber-crime beat. And that research frightened Lane "because you find out just how much they can find out about you, online. I have a healthy fear and loathing of people minding my business. So I'm trying to live a cash-only lifestyle these days, and I'm not kidding."

And what she learned made her fear for her kids, a generation that has grown up with the Internet and a very different view of what "privacy" means.
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