Computer Crime Research Center


Ukrainian hacker will be deported in the USA

Date: February 25, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Dmitri Kramarenko

In the middle of March 2003, Ukrainian hacker Maxim Vysochanski will be deported to the USA, accused by Thailand court of committing computer crimes. Such information was given by the head of clipping service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Markiyan Lubkivskiy on the yesterday briefing.

As is known, Thailand didn't agree with requirement of the USA to deliver up Ukrainian citizen Maxim Vysochanski-Kovalchuck. He is charged with numerous computer crimes in the US. Half a year the court of Thailand capital examined case of arrested in May 25 year old Maxim Vysochanski-Kovalchuck. Ukrainian is accused of violating copyright, money launder, unlicensed software distribution via the Internet and other computer crimes against banks of the US.

25 year old Maxim Vysochanski-Kovalchuck was arrested in Thailand in May, 2003 on request of the US.

December 16, 2003 Bangkok court (Thailand) admitted evidence, presented by accusation, enough for his extradition to the USA.
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