Islamic hacker arrested in France
Date: February 25, 2006Source:
On Tuesday , 2/21/2006, the Moroccan hacker known as Yanis was arrested in Metz by the Paris PJ. Anyway he got out of prison after 20 hours and he is waiting for judgement.
Yanis is accused of having defaced several French important websites (university of Strasbourg and Toulouse, website of the city of Lyon etc..), but his activity as defacer is far more complex: Zone-h, the independent observatory of cyber-crime, have monitored nearly 3000 notifications of intrusions in the last month related to the Prophet Mohammed digital Ummah protest (about 710 are by Yanis) while in his whole illegal “carreer” he compromised 1161 websites.
Besides, Zone-h highlighted that the attacks pursued by Islamic hackers have noticeably increased after the spreading out of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons issue, and many defacements, like those by Yanis, clearly show, sometimes violently and offensively, their blame for Danish and more generally Western attitude.
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