Computer Crime Research Center


Computer Crime Costs

Date: May 25, 2004
Source: Computer Crime Research Center
By: Dmitri Kramarenko

Net criminals are attacking corporate and government networks more frequently, costing businesses an estimated $666 million in 2003, according to a survey of computer security executives released today.

The survey was conducted by CSO [Chief Security Officer] magazine jointly with the U.S. Secret Service and the CERT cybersecurity center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

It pointed that more than 40 percent of 500 executives polled said hackers have become the greatest security threat to business and government networks, compared to 28 percent who feared internal threats such as disgruntled or recently fired employees. More than 40 percent of the respondents said the number of computer crime incidents increased from 2002 to 2003, compared to 6 percent who said it dropped.

The rise in the number of executives who fears hackers marks a shift in corporate attitudes toward security, said CSO publisher Robert Bragdon. "Historically businesses have always focused on the internal threats being the biggest dangers to their organization," he said.
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2006-11-03 12:05:35 - you smell like crap laskjfls
2006-11-01 15:34:16 - u smell jljk
2005-03-15 14:43:55 - wow t
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