Yahoo's look on hackers
Date: September 26, 2006Source:
Computer software wizards from near and far will camp at the Silicon Valley headquarters of internet search titan Yahoo this week for an overnight “hack-a-thon” in the spirit of innovation.
Yahoo heralded the 24-hour programming free-for-all as its first public “Hack Day” and said it was an extension of no-holds-barred software tinkering events that the company’s engineers take part in internally.
The gathering was meant to inspire new twists on Yahoo services as well as reclaim “hacker” as a name for those adept at manipulating software in creative, not malicious, ways, said Yahoo network developer director Chad Dickerson.
“A hacker is someone who really knows how to build things with computers, not destroy things,” Mr Dickerson said.
“Within the Yahoo development community to be called a hacker is a badge of honour.”
Yahoo routinely hosts internal hack days to “share the hacker love”, Mr Dickerson said.
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