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Discussion : Two Romanians arrested on Internet fraud charges

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1-15 > 16-30 > 31-45 > 46-60 > 61-75> 76-90 > Total 80 comments

2005-10-29 11:12:17 -

join and defraud the defrauders

2005-10-29 11:10:56 -

small claims

list of romanian scam artists

2005-10-29 11:09:21 -
they'll all get caught at somepoint and they'll rot in jail, with the rest of the rapists and paedophiles.

2005-08-28 06:07:04 -
This is for Dick Burns : You will never see us, you will never touch us they will never catch us!
See you leater!

2005-08-02 11:30:01 -
if there is a stupid man ... thr`s a`ways a haker to take his money..shoot the stupid ppl...:)) HAHAHAH

2005-07-21 15:42:10 - ScammedOver1000AtOnly16
Shut the f**k up you american&world wide stu**d idiots. You should be here and see how milions of scammers are ripping you off every single minute. If someone from UK or Spain or Italy or Greece takes your money... then know that you have again been scammed by a romanian scammer. By the way... please check out my english spelling, is it broken? I am running for an english diploma so that I can be a scammer with diploma and SCAM YOU BETTER!

2005-07-21 15:41:39 - ScammedOver1000AtOnly16
Shut the f**k up you american&world wide idiots. You should be here and see how milions of scammers are ripping you off every single minute. If someone from UK or Spain or Italy or Greece takes your money... then know that you have again been scammed by a romanian scammer. By the way... please check out my english spelling, is it broken? I am running for an english diploma so that I can be a scammer with diploma and SCAM YOU BETTER!

2005-06-14 13:56:56 -
You can now contact - the Romanian Cber Crimes Unit.

Put the "best hackers" away for 15 years. There's a link you can click on to view the website in English. File a compalint - it's funded by the US IFCC/FBI and results are being seen.

Our "best hacker" didn't mention 30 arrests in Rm Valcea last month, did he? HA HA HA!

Scumbag: your days are numbered...
Omul de vina se teme si de umbra!!
ha ha ha ha!!

2005-06-08 15:38:09 -
I've noticed that most of you can't even spell, no wonder *smart* people rob you.
Stop being so naive...

2005-04-23 16:07:20 -
Romanians are the best hacker.You are so stupid if we take your money hahahahahaha

2005-03-18 01:48:36 -
am very happy to read two Romanions Rats are in cage.
i myself a victim of Romania internet fraud. i was fooled for a visa.i lost 660 euros.i wish that bitch and her freind also go in Hell for 15 years.i have something but i wont say maybe she is reading this all i want is if someone can help me contact fbi office in Romania , i wish these people should be in jail for 30 years!

2005-03-17 20:04:39 -
a guy right now in Romanian is runing a scam I know how to get him but I do not know how to contact the Cops I am in the USA do any know how to contact Mircea Chirila?

2005-03-01 16:54:57 - Ditzy Blonde
Remove only ONE finger? They can still hunt and peck those keyboards and scam others out of $$$. I say give the victims a pair of wirecutters and put these reprehensible parasites out of the scamming business more definitively!

2005-03-01 06:27:59 - aborserlof
Get some more I reckon

2005-03-01 03:55:49 -
They should allow the victims to permanently remove one finger each to ensure no more key board use. I hate scammin bastards like them guys almost as much as I hate all those desperate African officials offering you millions of dollars.

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