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Discussion : Police sergeant caught in FBI child porn sting

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2006-08-17 16:28:27 -
I am so surprized at this enire matter. I have known Brian for ever since he was an E-5/ Sgt in the 26th MP Company. I even know Brian's father, Joe O'Hare from Cambridge, MA. It is a real shock to alot of us that have known Brian through out the years and also have worked with him in the National Guards. I use to be the Motor Pool Sergeant of the 26th MP Company. I am now Retired. It's just a real let down. Here is a man that had everything and worked so hard to get where he was and now he has lost everything. I don't even think of this as a joke. It's a real let down to us all. I pray for you Brian and your family.

2006-03-22 08:53:25 -

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