Stopping Internet crime is a law enforcement priority
Date: February 28, 2008Source:
The potential for crime on the Internet is limited only by human ingenuity. That makes it an open field.
An official-appearing but dishonest e-mail can turn even cautious citizens into fraud victims.
Harassment and bullying are rampant on computer screens.
Deliberately injected viruses wreak havoc with official and personal business.
Effective law enforcement seeks to stay a step ahead of the criminals. Kansas lawmakers can help that process by pumping more money into the state’s cyber-crime unit.
Attorney General Stephen Six is requesting $430,000 in the next budget year to hire four persons and pay for some educational resources.
Legislators have numerous budget demands to consider, but the escalation of Internet crime has outpaced the capacity of the single investigator and prosecutor assigned to the cyber unit.
Six proposes adding a prosecutor, an investigator, a crime analyst and a trainer.
The right people assigned to those positions could track down offenders and provide a strong deterrent to con artists and predators.
The attorney general’s plans to provide more education for citizens also make sense.
Members of the public need clear information on how to spot potential cyber crime and how to report their suspicions.
The state attorney general’s office is the appropriate agency to lead that effort.
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