Computer Crime Research Center


Open University launches cyber-crime course

Date: January 29, 2008
By: Ben Fountain

A new postgraduate cyber-crime course from The Open University in Milton Keynes has been launched to provide an introduction to the world of digital evidence collection, forensic computing and IT incident management.

Course contributor, Peter Sommer said: "IT related crimes are more prolific and businesses have to guard themselves against a multitude of issues: fraud, illegal downloads, theft of data and online bullying, for instance. Cyber crime is a major issue: in addition to the spectacular events that capture media attention, most businesses are likely, over a 12-month period, to suffer from incidents where digital investigation and evidence are required, for example, disputed transactions, employee disputes, minor
frauds and attacks.

Students on the course will use authentic computer forensic tools during investigations of specially prepared scenarios that replicate real-life situations, developed with input from East of England digital forensic consultancy Evidence Talks Ltd.

Course Team Chair Blaine Price said: "An understanding of the basics of computer forensics is becoming more and more important for a wide range of professionals. But in contrast to the high-profile media representations of the subject on TV shows like CSI and Spooks, this course is not aimed just at 'techies' - it also teaches skills important for managers and those with legal interests at companies of just about any size."

This course is a 15-point postgraduate level course which can be used towards a postgraduate qualification. The first presentation of the course starts in May 2008, with registration closing at the end of March. The course will run again in November 2008.
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