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Discussion : Millions at Risk from Cyber 'Phishing' Gangs
Discussion is closed !Total 3 comments
2005-05-16 16:12:53 -
I hate phishing the mosquitos are bad. Buncha rednecks.
2005-05-16 16:09:18 -
Phishing is a major problem that needs to be caught. Many people are falling for these phishers! It's an issue we need to get rid of! It could happen to anyone, and I'm scared that I am next! Git-r-don yo!
2005-05-16 16:06:50 - Mitchell Roundtree
I think that phishing is a problem that needs to be caught. These phishers are taking people's info, and it's not right! Something has to be done! Git- r- don!
Total 3 comments