Cyber crime: Govt plans early warning system
Date: March 29, 2008Source:
NEW DELHI: The Department of Information Technology (DIT) has finally woken up to the threat posed by malicious code (or virus) writers. This has been prompted by recent attacks on government websites. These attacks have either sought to deface these sites or render them useless.
In fact, worried over large-scale defacement of important government websites, the Centre has decided to make an exclusive foolproof network of critical infrastructure and highly vulnerable government departments. This is in addition to some innovative advance warning systems, which are being deployed to warn about virus attacks.
The cyber security wing of DIT is preparing the new software to issue advance warnings of any lurking danger on these websites. With the help of the new mechanism, DIT hopes to locate the creation of new malware and pass on the information to the network members.
The number of security related incidents has been growing continuously. In January, 87 such incidents were reported as compared to 45 in December. Out of all the incidents, 47% related to phishing, 21% unauthorized scanning, 25% related to virus/worm under the malicious code category and 7% incidents were related to technical help under other categories.
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