IT and organized crime
Date: March 06, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
... of all should be referred to terrorism. Unlike traditional this kind of terrorism applies newest achievements of science and technologies in computer, IT, radio engineering, genetic engineering and immunology field.
Cyber terrorism is intentional, politically reasoned attack on information processed in computer, computer system or network that poses danger for life or health of people or causes some other weighty consequences, if such actions were committed on purpose of public disturbance, scaring of people, provoking armed conflict [5].
Term «cyber terrorism» appeared in IT lingo conceivably in 1997 year. Just at that time FBI special agent M. Pollitt determined this kind of terrorism as such: «Cyberterrorism is the premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents.»
Cyberterrorism uses openness of the Internet to discredit governments and countries, develop websites of terrorism orientation, deteriorate or destroy critical infrastructure by inputting false data or continuous deactivating of such systems that result in scare and anxiety, and is, in a sense, addition to traditional terrorism [6]. This category of crime also covers using email for communication between participants of the criminal plot, transfer of information that is used for committing criminal actions, recruiting of new members for terrorism groups through the websites in the Internet. Further we can speak on computer assaults on systems.
Dr. Vladimir Golubev thinks that there are two kinds of cyber terrorism: computer and/or network facilitated acts of terrorism so called «pure» terrorism, and also using cyber space in efforts of terrorist groups, but not directly for acts of terrorism. Dr. Golubev marks out following methods of using the Internet for terrorism purposes:
1. Gathering detailed information on supposed targets, their location and features by means of the Internet.
2. Collecting money for terrorism movement. Thus website about Republic of Chechnya (amino.com) offers Californian bank account number where one can transfer money for financial backing of Chechen terrorists.
3. Creation of websites with explicit information on terrorism movements, their goals and missions, arranging meetings of people supporting terrorists, guideline on forms of protest, etc. That is synergetic effect on activity of groups supporting terrorists.
4. Panel games with financial institutions, so that they could avoid acts of cyber terrorism and hold their reputation.
5. Using the Internet for appealing to mass audience with purpose to inform about future planned actions at websites or mailing such messages through e-mail, making responsibility of terrorists for committed acts of terrorism publicity.
6. Using the Internet for information psychological influence, including initiation of psychological terrorism. With help of WWW it is possible to create hostility or panic, to delude, to lead to determination of something.
Thus, organized crime for last decade changed radically, became more informative. More and more progressive IT are widely used by organized crime, making efficient process of investigating computer crimes committed by organized criminality more and more difficult. In this relation it is necessary:
- to further research of issues related to activity of organized criminal groups and using progressive IT in their activity;
- to examine coordination of law enforcement, and probably to create united express body on these issues;
- to hold courses to raise the level of skills for operational and investigatory staff engaged in revealing and disclosing crimes in IT field;
- to further work on developing necessary technical means of cyber attacks prevention.
Besides in respect of transnational character of the organized crime, it is necessary to elaborate system of cooperation for law enforcement of different countries on revealing and disclosing crimes committed by organized criminal groups by entering into bilateral international agreements or conventions signing.
Practical sense of this work lies in observed issues of using IT in organized criminal groups. It is useful in extension of work on creating methodical recommendations on revealing, disclosing and investigating crimes committed by organized criminal groups in IT sphere.
[1] V. Golubev, Investigating Computer crime, Monograph, Zaporozhye: University of Humanities «ZIGMU», 2002.
[2] B. Romanuk, M. Gutsaluk, Internet and crime, Police of Ukraine, 2001, ¹ 11, p.22-23.
[3] V. Korzh, Methods of investigating economical crimes, committed by organized groups, criminal organizations, Investigator's Guideline, Scientific practical textbook, Kharkiv: «Licei» Publishing house, 2002, p.8.
[4]. M. Gutsaluk, Counteractions to crimes in sphere of credit cards use.
[5] V. Golubev, Investigating Computer crime, Monograph, Zaporozhye: University of Humanities «ZIGMU», 2002.
[6] T. Thomas, Control of asymmetric terrorism threats to society in information age, World community against globalization of crime and terrorism, Materials of International Conference, Moscow: 2002, p.165.
[7] V. Golubev, Investigating Computer crime, Monograph, Zaporozhye: University of Humanities «ZIGMU», 2002.