Information psychological war
Date: May 11, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
... of own national system of sociopolitical attitudes to new, more advanced and hi-tech stage of evolutionary development.
Attributes of information-psychological war:
- Violence as the basic form of interaction of participants of an information - political conflict;
- Information-psychological operations as the special organizational form of rendering of political influence on participants of the conflict;
- Application of the information weapon.
4. A systemic-functional hypothesis of information-psychological war: information-psychological war - a part of system of political regulation, the tool of an information policy.
Within the framework of a sociological hypothesis information-psychological war is considered as the new form of social attitudes (object of the sociological analysis), and a spectrum of the disputed situations generated by psychological war as external display of system properties of the given object.
Within the framework of a statistical hypothesis information-psychological war is considered as complex differential system (field) of the political conflicts which are taking place in close interrelation and interaction, each of which is considered as individual realization of ensemble of the disputed situations generated or shown by a field of psychological war.
In frameworks of conflictological hypotheses information-psychological war is considered as a political conflict having independent value as object of research and management, taking place in interaction and interconditionality with other political conflicts.
Within the framework of a systemic-functional hypothesis information-psychological war is considered as a part of system of an information policy as aggressor, and victims of aggression within the framework of which the information - political conflicts generated by psychological war, are integrated into structure of political system of the conflicting parties and are used by them as tools of political regulation [2.]
Certainly, legitimacy of application of each hypothesis to concept of information-psychological war demands the proof.
The theorem 1. Information-psychological war is the social phenomenon.
The proof: the information-psychological war is the form of violence in which as the tool of compulsion opportunities of influence of the information on mentality of the person are used. It is possible to allocate two basic attributes of a sociality of this phenomenon:
- Application of violence over the basic form of social influence;
- Use of opportunities of influence of the information on mentality of the person as the tool of social compulsion Violence over social attitudes is the phenomenon widespread enough to consider his social: the violence is impossible without public organization and sociopolitical hierarchy, system of submission of one members of a society for anothers. At application of violence the preference is always given those means, ways and tools of social compulsion which in conditions of the given public organization are most effective. In an information society such tools are complex organizational technologies of information-psychological influence.
The theorem 2. Information-psychological war is a political conflict. The proof: Information-psychological war possesses the following attributes of a political conflict:
- Collision of the conflicting parties which consistently passes the basic stages of development of the social conflict takes place: a predisputed situation (increase of social intensity or formation of the conflict is characterized by comprehension of incompatibility of interests and positions, consolidation of the parties of the conflict; promotion of requirements to the opponent), latent, incident, the escalation, the balanced counteraction, the culmination and fading (resolution of conflicts or transformation to other form).
- As well as the social conflict, information-psychological war passes through the following phases: confrontational (military), in which parties aspire to provide the interest due to elimination another's; compromise (political), in which parties aspire to reach whenever possible the interest through negotiations during which make replacement of distinguished interests of each subject with the general, compromise; communicative (administrative), in which parties aspire to reach the consent that the sovereignty his interest possesses not only each subject of the conflict, but also and liquidate only illegal from the point of view of community of distinction during movement to common interests;
- Information-psychological wars arise always concerning redistribution of authority and realization of a political management in a society.
Conformity to these attributes allows attributing information-psychological war to a category of political conflicts.
The theorem 3. Information-psychological war is the field of political conflicts and statistical system.
The proof: Information-psychological war as a part of system of political attitudes. It is set of all political conflicts to which the preference is given various kinds of the information-psychological violence accepting the special organizational form of secret operations with obligatory use of the information weapon. The modern science yet does not allow to describe all system of information - political conflicts in its dynamics and development in the analytical form (in the form of multipleparameter function), but, basically, allows to consider set of conflicts as a certain political space with the set properties determining character of interaction of a matter and elements of this space with any political phenomena and processes, not belonging to it, - allows to consider information-psychological war as a field of political conflicts and proves legitimacy of use of a formalism and the conceptual device of the theory of a field to the description of the given phenomenon.
Plurality and variety of forms and displays of information - political conflicts allows to consider a field of conflicts as statistical system in which multifactorial interaction, interdependence and interconditionality of set of elements generates the general laws of behaviour and transformation of structure of a disputed matter at a level of laws of the big numbers.
The theorem 4. Information-psychological war is a part of system of political regulation, the tool of an information policy.
The proof: Information-psychological war. A part of system:
- Political regulation, as its purpose. Resolution of conflicts concerning authority and realization of a political management in information-psychological space;
- An information policy, as for an aggressor war. Means (tool) of achievement of political ends, for a victim of aggression. Means (tool) of drawing of retaliation and restoration of military-political balance.
The hypotheses formulated above do not exclude and do not duplicate, and gets wide spectra of scientific ways to investigate of nature of this phenomena, allowing to investigate information-psychological war as the complex, many-sided phenomenon in a life of a society, on the scales beyond consideration of any one scientific discipline [5-9]. Really, the principle of detailed elaboration of object of scientific research is put in a basis of hierarchy of hypotheses:
- Considering information-psychological war from positions of the sociological approach, we see the objective and complete social phenomenon which importance can be defined only in comparison with other social phenomena of similar scale;
- Considering it in more details, we, as a first approximation, see, that the matter of the given object of research is weaved from set of the information - political conflicts interconnected, mutually conditioned and cooperating among themselves. A huge variety of forms and displays of these conflicts does not allow the observer, aspiring to hold in sight them all or their any appreciable part to define, whether the conflict which has got in sight thus which was is notice him earlier, or it already other conflict, which development has led to occurrence of attributes and the qualities observed earlier at originally observable conflict. The problem of identification by the observer of the information - political conflicts having the big period of latent development, in conditions of their plural generation and attenuation, allows to enter concept of a field of political conflicts into the device of the researcher, and, using a formalism of the theory of a field to investigate most the general laws of behaviour of the disputed matter, arising as a result of plural multifactorial interaction of a plenty differential political conflicts.
- Having refused the purpose to hold in sight the most part of a field of political conflicts at once suffices, we are limited in frameworks conflictological hypotheses to consideration separately-taken an information - political conflict and his evolution in time and space. Thus, even more having come nearer to object of supervision. To information-psychological war. We any more do not see all variety of his internal structure, but, but, in a condition to allocate from it separate elements. Information - political conflicts. And to investigate their individual properties. The device of modern political conflictology is well adapted to this purpose.
- And, at last, research of psychological war as information - political conflict allows to allocate those its structural properties and elements which can be integrated into system of an information policy and to become, at least, - controlled, and as a maximum, - to carry out in this system the certain functions, including. Functions of the tool of political regulation. Thus, information-psychological war is investigated at this...

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2004-11-04 12:39:15 - I want to have full details on... Adetayo Adesola T. |
2004-11-04 12:39:06 - I want to have full details on... Adetayo Adesola T. |
2004-08-23 03:45:33 - This translation is very poor. I don't... Flanders |
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