Information psychological war
Date: May 11, 2004Source: Computer Crime Research Center
... information-psychological war is investigated at this (systemic-functional) level any more as independent political object, and as a structural element, a detail of more complex political object - the systems of an information policy.
Such gradation of levels of detailed consideration of information-psychological war assumes application of the following methods of research:
- Sociological (at research IPW as social phenomenon);
- Statistical (at research IPW as fields of political conflicts);
- Political conflictology and political psychology (at research IPW as forms of a political conflict);
- The logiko-structural and systemic-functional analysis (at research IPW as a part of system and the tool of an information policy).
The literature:
1. Manoilo A.V., the State information policy in special conditions: the Monography.. M.: MEPhI, 2003 - 388 p.: pict.
2. Manoilo A.V., Petrenko A.I., Frolov D.B., the State information policy in conditions of information-psychological war: the Monography.. M.: Hot a line-TV set, 2003 - 541 p.: pict.
3. Veprintsev V.B., Manoilo A.V., Petrenko A.I., Frolov D.B., Operation of information-psychological war. Methods, means, technologies: the Brief encyclopaedic dictionary-directory.. M.: Hot a line-TV set, 2004 - 495 s.: silt.
4. Site INFOPOLITICA: www.infopolitica.w6.ru
5. Manoilo A.V., Frolov D.B., Information-psychological operations as the organizational form of realization of the concept of information-psychological war, S.Pb.: Problems of information safety. Computer systems, 2003, - 2, with. 7-14.
6. Manoilo A.V., Petrenko A.I., 2003: the Information antagonism and the state information policy in conditions of information-psychological war.. M.: the Right and a policy - 9, with. 110-125.
7. Manoilo A.V., Petrenko A.I., Information-psychological safety of a modern information society, M.: Strategic stability, - 3, 2003, with. 59-64.
8. Manoilo A.V., Frolov D.B., Information-psychological war in system of political attitudes of an information society, 2003: the State information policy: problems and technologies, the Collection of clauses.. M.: Publishing house RAGS, with. 85-95.
9. Manoilo A.V., Veprintsev V.B., Evolution of forms and methods of a geopolitic competition in information space. M.: Russia and Europe: information co-operation in conditions of globalization, the Analytical bulletin of Council of Federation of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2004,- 11 (231), special release, with 62-72.

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2004-11-04 12:39:15 - I want to have full details on... Adetayo Adesola T. |
2004-11-04 12:39:06 - I want to have full details on... Adetayo Adesola T. |
2004-08-23 03:45:33 - This translation is very poor. I don't... Flanders |
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